Her best friend
A friend, close to my heart in every way.
And she knew Without a word
Whatever I wanted to say.
With patience she heard all my worries
Shared my dreams and nightmares
Talking about life’s bitterness and shining day
I felt her there in every way.
Never judged me for any deed,
She felt the agony deep in my heart
She embraced me with all my faults
And stayed there all the way.
She listened to me as air
Silent and without interruption
With all her courage
And did not shy away
She meant a lot to me,
I wanted to feel her
To embrace and let her know
How her presence had changed my life.
Perplexed and shocked I was
The moment I tried to embrace,
And touch the moisture of belongingness
She was nothing but a mere mirror,
Looking blankly though supporting
And understanding me in every way.